lundi 30 juillet 2012

Amanda is going to sing!

Amanda challenged me!
But she didn't know me!
If I was writting a song, she was going to sing it!
So now, she got to sing it!

The first class in the morning is Amanda's favorite!
She is too shy to say it, but we are the best!
In her life, we are like a huge meteorite
With us, there is no stress

Less then one week left all together
We are always surprising like the weather
We have lots of imagination
Barney was one of Felix's awesome creation

Without Barney, our class is  crying
Hopefully, we got Steve!
Since we have him, we are flying!
With him, happiness is the only thing we receive!

Spanish and Canadians are a great mix!
Jose, Enrique & Alvaro might be from another continent
But we love them as a waitress likes her tips!
We are like a huge family now, no matters our continent!

Amanda, this was it!
Now, you can say that you respect your promises!
So tonight, go record Dreamer with your recording kit
And you will have fulfil all your promises

So this is my song! As you can surely see, it isn't based at all on my fortune cookie! I guess that you have already realized that it is the song Amanda is going to sing to us this week! So Amanda, bring your guitar to class, because you need to sing it!

vendredi 27 juillet 2012

Movie Review of ''Pay It Forward''

Made in 2000, Pay It Forward is a touching movie which was directed by Mimi Leder. The movie was based on the book of the same name which has been written by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

Haley Joel Esment is interpreting the character of Trevor McKinney, a small boy living in Las Vegas who is in grade 7.  He is being raised by his mom, Arlene who is played by Helen Hunt. During the movie, you follow the social-studies class of Trevor, which is taught by Eugene Simonet. Kevin Spacey is interpreting Mr. Simonet which has burns all over his body.

At the beginning of the school year, Mr. Simonet gave an assigment to his class which is to make the world a better one. Trevor took it really seriously and created Pay It Forward. The principle of that movement is pretty simple. If you are being helped, you need to help 3 other persons. It is exponential!

Hyde's baby is a exceptionnal sentimental journey! For 2 hours, you follow the life of those three awesome characters. Don’t choose that movie as a relax evening at home! It is far from a light movie like Ted. When it ends, it makes you think about life for a while. I won’t tell you more about the movie to let you discover it but you can be sure that there are twists in it! What I can tell you is that it is really worth watching it!

In the last years, lots of movies are just comedy and don’t lead you anywhere. Pay It Forward really makes you realize things and make you think about it. It is a movie that you need to see at least once in your life. Altought you are only following the life of a little boy, it isn’t a child movie. It is a movie to make you realize a lots of things from life and how you can help people!

You definitely need to see it! Plus, as it is an old movie, you can rent it for less then 5$! Come on, move and go get that DVD!

mardi 24 juillet 2012

What to avoid in Ottawa!

Since more then 20 days, I have been in Ottawa. I have visit and gone to see a lot of stuff already! One of the worst things I have done was to see Shakespeare in the Park. A company of fools was presenting the play ''Henri V'' in Windsor Park on July 20th.  It was the worst thing I ever attend!

Here is why you should never go:

1. The play is performed outside in the park. There are no seats or anything so you are seating on the ground. There is supposed to be grass, but it's mostly weeds so it is pretty itchy.  As the play is quite long, it is pretty uncomfortable to sit. Even with a blanket, it isn't comfortable!

2. It isn't theater! Shakespeare would cry if he saw his play played like that! There isn't enough actors so some characters are played by socks and there isn't a lot of costumes. It is hard to fallow who is who. In the play, France and England are batelling against each other. Altough France official color is blue, they dress the England army in blue too so it's kind of confusing.  It isn't really clear.

3.  Also,people were leaving the play in the middle of it as it is bad. So when you try to concentrate on what the actors are saying (you really need to concentrate because they aren't speaking enough loudly), you see people moving to leave the park which is quite disturbing. I completly understand why people were leaving the park, it was so bad! I would have left if I could!

Even thought it is free, you should avoid going there!  It is a complete waste of time! I wish I can have that time back!

mardi 17 juillet 2012

The Ugly Spider

Last Friday,  we did a scavenger hunt downtown. It was actually pretty cool. We were searching for stuff and information. One of the info was at the National Art Gallery so I got to go there.  When I arrived there, I was disgusted by the sculpture which is on his front. There is a giant spider who weighs 18,000 pounds!!! She even has 26 marble eggs in her that you can see!

That sculpture is called ''Maman'' so Mommy in English. It has been made by Louise Bourgeois to represent her mother who was a restorer of tapestries. I wouldn't represent my mom as a spider personally. I like the meaning of that piece of art but I find it pretty weird. It is so huge and I don't think that it is a nice piece of art. For me, it's just taking too much place in the city and they could have used that space to put something more interesting. 

If you think that it is nice, I'm sorry to have disappointed you, but that's my opinion after all! We all have our owns!

mardi 10 juillet 2012

Museum of Civilization - Friday July 6th

Last Friday, we went to the Museum of Civilization which is not in Ottawa. It's on the other side of the Rideau Canal, in Gatineau.

My first question was ''What are the First Nations contributions to modern Canada'' and my second one was ''What are the controversial topics presented in the museum about the First Nations?''. I haven't got any of them answered because I hadn't time to go to the First People Hall. We had not much time to visit. We didn't even have an hour to visit it all. After the IMAX movie, we could have stayed but I was afraid of getting lost by getting back to Ottawa. I had to take the bus to go back home at Rideau Centre so I had to walk back and I didn't know the way.

I only had time to see the Grand Hall. I ran out of time without noticing it as it was really interesting. I think I didn't even went halfway through that exhibit before my time was up. I was sad that I didn't have more time. I would have love to see more of the exhibits at that museum!


My arrival in Ottawa

On July 1st, it was Canada's day like every year. But it wasn't like every year. For 2012, I was doing something really special. On that Sunday, I was travelling from my home town to Ottawa. Everyone knows that Ottawa is the best place to celebrate Canada's day, but I wasn't going for this reason. I was leaving Mirabel for five long weeks, the longest time I have ever left home. That day, I was beginning the Explore programm in Ottawa. My parents and my boyfriend were driving me up there. When I arrived at school, I was surprised that we were in a French school. The sign was saying ''École secondaire publique Omer-Deslauriers''.It was weird for me because I went here to learn English! Altought, when I came in, there were signs every where in English. You couldn't make a step without seeing one. One week later, there is even more signs now! It is almost driving me crazy! Someone might have a lot of imagination to do that much signs!

After I saw all those signs, I got a package with my name on it. My homestay family wasn't there yet so I went to make the tour of the school with Alex which looks a lot like Goldilocks! She is a pretty sweet girl! I really like that monitor. On my package, I saw the name of my homestay family's mother. I was pretty worried as it looked like a weird name from another country and I was wishing to be in a normal family with great food. When I met the mother, I was no longer afraid. Her parents come from Africa but she was born in Montréal. She moved to Ottawa when she got married. She speaks French! She is a musulman, but she is not annoying me with it as I'm not interested.  I like her. I don't really enjoy my homestay family because they are never home. The mother, Nimet, is working 7 days a week and go 3 times per week to make her prayers at  the Mosque and to volunteer so she isn't home a lot. She also lives with her son which I have barely seen since the beginning of Explore.  I find my homestay family boring. I'm alone most of the times so I have lots of times for myself.

After meeting my homestay family, my parents and my boyfriend left. Afterwards, I had supper and I got set. That was all about my 2012 Canada's day!

So, that's about my first day in Ottawa!

Introduction- for school


I'm Nancy Labelle, a girl of 17 years old living in a town near Montréal called Mirabel. This is in Québec,Canada.  I live with my mother, my father and my younger brother which is named Steven.He is 15 years old. My older sister, who is 20 years old, lives in Québec City with her boyfriend,Fred.He is a really nice guy. Since 2010, they have been living there.They moved away from Mirabel for Ariane's studies. She is studying at Université Laval to become a primary teacher. When she moved, she left her cat at home. It's  a really fat cat named Kirsis which I don't really like. When you look at her, you always think she has taken drugs. I prefer my cat,Caramel, which I have since I'm 4 years old. He is already 15 years old. He is really old but he is more cool then Kirsis. He still hunts for animals and he eats them afterwards. Now, we also have Fred's dog which is a miniature labrador.  Shannon is a really nice pet. She is cool. But she doesn't like being attached.A lots of times, she simply escape home and go to a neighbour house.

I like to go shopping with friends. I pass almost all my free times with my friends and my boyfriend.I like to go to the movies theater and to watch TV. I also read a lot.The last book I read which I really liked was the Hunger Games Trilogy. I also went to see the first movie which is also called the Hunger Games. It's a really good movie!

One thing you might not know about me is that I have arthritis.It's a sickness which whom I'm living since I'm 14 years old. I take lots of medicine because of it. I can't do all kinds of activities because of it. It is really painful sometimes. My ankles and my wrists are the most painful articulations that are touched by arthritis.

In February, I choosed to do the Explore program because both of my parents did it when they were younger. My mom went to Fredericton and my dad went to Regina. They both had a blast doing it! Ottawa wasn't my first choice, but it looks like a fun city. There is lots of museum and festivals taking place during the summer here. It looks fun.

I was asked to write about what I'm the most looking for in Ottawa... I don't really know... Maybe is it to meet new friends?  I'm pretty excited to go to Calypso too. I'm also really happy to go to Toronto, Canada's Wonderlands and to the Niagara Falls. But I already lived in Mississauga for 2 months so I went to all those places already, but I like so much that area! It's so much fun out there! I loved that area when I was there :)
